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Canadian International AutoShow 2015

AuctionExport visited Canadian International AutoShow 2015! We had a look at the latest vehicles, provides world’s leading and most technologically advanced sports cars and supercars. Here are AutoShow highlights.
Kindly check our Facebook page for more images - https://www.facebook.com/auctionexport



Customers Reviews and Testimonials!

Dear clients,

If you need more information about AuctionExport, feel free to read testimonials from clients who already purchased a car.

You can also watch video reviews from AuctionExport members - AuctionExport YouTube channel



Dealer Inventory Blowout!

Dear clients,

Check  our special offers now!

Best car deals in a Dealer Inventory are available for you at www.auctionexport.com!


Register and start buying today!

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You can Register now, it's absolutely FREE!

As a registered member you can take an advantage of our services and buy a car of your dream in one click!


Track your cargo live through our new profile feature!

Dear clients,

AuctionExport introduces its new innovative feature - Live Vessel tracking.

You can View the Location of your ship through your profile under the vehicle status tab.

Here is also new video tutorials about shipping process - click on a link - LINK

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