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5 Easy Steps How to Purchase Your Car

Dear clients,
Follow the link to view 5 Easy steps on how to purchase the car.
Please let us know if you have any questions sales@auctionexport.com


Happy International Women's day !

Happy International Women's day to all our Ladies!


Thinking about buying a car?

Thinking about buying a car?

Make the decision by considering Electric Cars, it's a great way for you to not only save money, but also help contribute towards a healthy and stable environment.

Check  Nissan Leaf, Ford Focus Electric or Tesla Model S, Chevrolet Volt available for sale 



To all our valued Clients

To all our valued Clients:

Dear members,

We would like to kindly remind you, in order to avoid any delays please make sure you send the consignee form and signed invoice on time.

Thank you


How did You ExportCar with AuctionExport ?

If you bought a #car with us, there are three easy steps to get a iPad:

Step 1. Film your feedback on how you have purchased and exported your vehicle with #AuctionExport . Tip: To obtain better quality, shoot in landscape mode. 

Step 2. Find us on Facebook and join us to be able to stay updated.

Step 3. Upload and share your clip with us under the hashtag #ExportCar . Or, simply send an email to marketing@auctionexport.com


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