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Notify Me Service is available for everyone.

"Notify Me" service gives you the ability to track all the freshly added cars on our website.
Simply specify year, make and model of the car, you are interested in and we will notify you as soon
as specified type of car is added to the website's inventory.

Notify Me - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Notifications


Happy African Liberation Day!

Dear clients from various countries in Africa! We would like to congratulate you with African Liberation Day! Greetings to all of you!




Financing to Ghana and Benin!

Dear clients, we are offering financing to Ghana and Benin.  Feel free to email sales@auctionexport.com for more information on how to buy a car from North America and arrange financing to the port of your destination.

More information on how to finance your car please click - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy?section=4


Happy Victoria Day !

We are happy to celebrate this day! Enjoy the day everyone.


Electric Cars on www.AuctionExport.com!

The US now had around 450,000 electric vehicles through April, China was at around 300,000 by March, and Japan is at around 150,000 through March 2016. Norway 4th Country To Hit 100,000 Electric Car Sales. Considering that Norway is home to less than 10 million people (closer to 5 million), 100,000 electric cars represents quite an achievement — and just goes to show how effective the country’s approach to encouraging electric vehicle.

Go Green with Auction Export and Drive Electric vehicles - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/electric


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