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Independence Day Holiday

Dear AuctionExport clients,

Our office will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of the USA Independence Day Holiday.
Regular working hours will resume on Tuesday July 5th, 2016.
Thank you


Happy Canada Day / Fête du Canada

Happy birthday, Canada! And a wonderful Canada Day to you and the people closest to you!

Celebrating almost a century and a half of our Canada!



New Rules for European Ports

New Rules for European Ports

New transparency rules to improve fair conditions accessing port services were approved by European Parliament on 27th of June. They were set up to increase ports efficiency and to promote healthy competition in the sector.

Also the new regulations will help to avoid usage of non-European countries while transshipment. The new policy will be applied for more than 300 seaports handling over 96% of all cargo and 93% of passengers.

The changes are scheduled to be implemented by the end of this year.


Shipping Charges

Shipping Charges
The shipping cost is different in every particular case, because the cars are not gathered in one place; On the contrary, they are located in different states of USA and provinces of Canada. To remind, the nearer the car is to the exit port the lower gets its shipping charge.

In order to have a general idea about the shipping cost of a car that you are considering to buy, you can use the Shipping calculator provided in the car’s profile.

As well, you can always send an email to our Shipping department on shipping@auctionexport.com in order to check the exact shipping charges.

In the “Shipping” section of the website, you will find a step-by-step discription of our transportation process - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/Shipping



Can I buy a car through AuctionExport as an individual?

AuctionExport assists clients with buying and exporting vehicles out of North America to over 100 countries worldwide.

If you live overseas, the Dealer licence is not required to purchase a car through AuctionExport.

Whether you a one time buyer (individual buyer) or a dealer, you can purchase a car through AuctionExport, no licence is required.

For more information on how to buy please follow the link  - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy


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