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Exclusive Webinar: How to Save on Shipping with Auction Export?

Exclusive Webinar: How to Save on Shipping with Auction Export?

We will discuss many details that will give you a better understanding of the ground and ocean transportation of your vehicle. It is important for us to educate our clients on how shipping works and what are the main steps they should follow to ship vehicles to their destination port hassle free. We will see you there and do not hesitate to invite your friends and family members.

To register for the webinar please click on the following link: www.auctionexport.com/en/Event/Register

If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us shipping@auctionexport.com



Container Consolidation to Dubai for $500* only!

Dear clients,
We are happy to announce the shipping special promotion!
Container Consolidation to Dubai  out of New Jersey for 500$ only* (Sedans or mid size SUVs)!

Search a car - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory

*Offer valid from June 6 - July 6, 2016 


Friday is a Great Day to Save 50$!

Every Buy Now Purchase on Friday will give you a discount of 50$ on Buyer fee!

Check thousands of Buy Now offers available for sale today!



REPO and dealer inventory on Sale!

REPO vehicles are cars re-listed for sale and available for lower prices and minimum fees. Sometimes, a repossessed vehicle might even be in transit to its destination and, if the destination suits you, you can save 45-60 days of delivery. Due to these reasons, repossessed cars are sold really fast.

REPO and dealer inventory - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/dealer_repo



Memorial Day

Dear AuctionExport Dealers,

Our office will be closed on Monday, May 30st for Memorial Day.

Regular working hours will resume on May 31st.

If your matter is urgent and you require immediate assistance, please email info@auctionexport.com and someone will get back to you as soon as possible, otherwise your email will be responded to on Tuesday May 31st. 

Thank you 

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