Ahorre tiempo y dinero con Auctionexport.com

  • Notificaciones en línea del estado del proceso de envío
  • Seguro de transporte terrestre completo (seguro de transporte marítimo adicional)
  • Legalización de despacho aduanero en Canadá y EE.UU
  • Chat en vivo
  • Acceso a su perfil de Auction Export 24/7.
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Every AuctionExport Client* has a chance to WIN up to 300$ !

Dear clients,

We are happy to announce that our current promotion is still on and every AuctionExport client* who made a purchase has a chance to win 300$.

Ask our marketing team for more details marketing@auctionexport.com

* Only for clients with purchases 



Friday Savings!

Dear clients, you can save 50$ today on all Buy Now purchases.

If you have any questions or need any assistance feel free to get back to us sales@auctionexport.com


Track all the freshly added cars on our website

This tool gives you the ability to track all the freshly added cars on our website.

Simply specify year, make and model of the car, you are interested in and we will notify you as soon as specified type of car is added to the website's inventory.

Add New Vehicle - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Notifications


How to Get the best deals this Friday?

Today is a great day to save with AuctionExport.

Every BUY NOW Purchase this Friday will give you discount of 50$ on Buyer Fee.

Happy Friday!

View BUY NOW Deals - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory


Sailing Schedule

Hello, please view the sailing schedule for next month.
If you bought a car somewhere else, do not worry, we can ship it for you. Just send us an email and we will do the rest.
Export Cars from USA with AuctionExport.
Contact shipping@auctionexport.com for details

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