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Shipping cars to Israel – The procedure and the paperwork

If you are planning to move to Israel and are worried about shipping your car successfully to the new place, then here we have a complete guide to familiarize you with the procedure. Read on carefully to get a grip on what you need to take care of before you begin the shipping procedure:

To start with, you should first understand that at Israel the shipping car procedure would vary greatly depending on a number of factors such as the age of the vehicle, the citizenship of the car owner (whether Israeli or not), the number of years spent by the person in the country of Israel, etc.

Shipping cars to Israel rules and regulations

If you wish to import cars to Israel, you can do it anytime within the period of three months from the date you get the Israeli citizenship. For such citizens it is acceptable to bring in cars that are no more than two years old. For those who are only but returning to Israel as a citizen, the cars can be old up to four years. However, such cars must be obtained within a period of three years of their return to Israel. The documents prescribed must be kept handy.

Before you begin the car shipping procedure make sure you get all the paperwork done and sorted out in the perfect order. Problems with paperwork can in fact not just lead to issues at Israel, but also create problems while moving the car out of the county it is presently situated in.

Shipping cars to Israel and tax charges

Various kinds of tax charges would be applicable to the cars shipped into Israel. One of the most important of these would be the Value Added Tax or the VAT. Find out all about them, to make sure you do not face any issues with the tax authorities of the country.

The shipping methods

The method to be opted for it depends solely on the choice of the customer. The most common practice however, is to ship the cars in containers, with or without the other domestic stuff included with it.

The customs procedure to be followed while shipping cars to Israel

While auto shipping cars to Israel it is important to know all about the documents that would need to be produced at various stages of the shipment, well in advance. Some of these include the Israeli driver license, the personal license, the documents that relate to the car insurance of the vehicle, the car title proof documents, and original car invoice of the car purchase, safety pass test documents and Israeli citizenship documents.

Also, find out all about the personal import license that the ministry of transportation of Israel grants while shipping cars. Bedsides this, the Israeli ministry has also ruled out specific guidelines for certain makes and models of cars. So check these out and make sure that all the necessary documents are handy before initiating the car shipping procedure (like you would need to get the driver’s license three months prior to it)

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