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ZIM is setting off the new US East coast - Asia shipment through Suez

ZIM is setting off the new US East coast - Asia shipment through Suez.

ZIM shipping line is introducing a new service out from US east coast to new Asia ports through Suez Canal. ZIM will start operating with completely new vessels by the weekly schedule at the end of May. The new service is going to be launched out from ports of New York and Savannah to Singapore, Chan Bay, Yantian, Cai Mep, Colombo, Norfolk.

The shipping line says that new vessel offer the fastest transit time from the US east coast to Vietnam through Colombo. It was an inevitable and necessary expand actions which were an answer to customer's needs and requirements.


The European Shippers’ Council is about to start a worldwide review of the container liners’ alliances.

The European Shippers’ Council is about to start a worldwide review of the container liners’ alliances. There is a concern that these alliances might hurt competition in the long run as rates will increase to reflect the need for increasingly bigger vessels.

The ESC is worried that smaller lines will be squeezed out of the market, which will result in less choice for manufacturers and retailers when it comes to international shipping.

The review will be carried out in the years ahead, with the main players being the Asian Shippers’ Association (ASA), the American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI), and the ESC.


Buy any Car from Canadian Inventory in April and Save up to 400$

Dear clients, this April only, you can Save on fees and get 100$ off on Shipping for your next purchase!

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MOL, APL and NYK team up on a new joint service

MOL, APL and NYK team up on a new joint service

The companies of MOL, APL and NYK are in the process of setting up an updated joint container service. It will replace the soon-to-expire AME and MSX, as MOL will no longer participate in those partnerships. According to MOL, the new service will improve the company’s ability to connect Asia with Central America and Mexico. The AMS service is set to kick off on May 22 with a vessel sailing from Pusan.

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