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To all our valued members,


we have received an increased number of questions regarding the volume of your purchases and how to save on your shippinng cost.

The answer is very simple, If you have high volume of units being purchased then you would qualify to get our 5 star container rate.

What does this mean?

It means that your rate per container being with 3-4 units will get cheaper the more you ship!.


IT IS GREAT! For more information please contact shipping@auctionexport.com


we will be more than pleased  to assist you.



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Dear members, now you can browse through the variety of Electric cars on the Auction Export platform.

Access all Hot car deals and save on fuel!



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Monitor freshly added car deals from your smartphone!

Great car deals at discounted prices and new car deals are available for you on any smartphone.

Check m.auctionexport.com and get them all!


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