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Happy Good Friday 2015!

Dear all, have yourself a very happy Good Friday Celebration with your friends and families!

Kindly accept our best wishes and hope you all are enjoying this fabulous day!


AuctionExport Shipping Services

To all our Valued Customers,

We are reminding you that you can always use our warehouse services:

- Vehicle loading, clearing customs
- Vehicle dismantling
- Autoparts loading
- Keeping any of your vehicles at our warehouse free of storage first 3 months until you prepare any arrangements you wish
- Possibility of cargo inspection and MUCH MORE

For any details, please contact our Transportation department and we will be more than happy to assist you: shipping@auctionexport.com; +1 416 900 3303 ext: 3.



Save up to 400$ in April!

  Dear clients,

  You can buy any car from Canadian Inventory in April and Save up to 295$ on Auction Export Fees + get 100$ off on shipping for   your next purchase.

  Search your car now - SEARCH



Why is it Safe to Buy from AuctionExport?

The mission of AuctionExport.com is to ensure a safe and legal business route for North American cars to the global market. Please refer to the list of legal credentials to familiarize yourself with our company.

- Master Business License authentication by the Government of Canada

- A proud member of the Better Business Bureau

- Licensed by the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council since 2006

- Registered member of the Used Car Dealer Association of Ontario




Dear clients,


why don't you let us melt the price on your shipping cost?

Take advantage on our current "Ship to Germany" deal


Ocean consolidation price out of NJ for sedans or mid size SUVs for just 650$

Ocean consolidation price out of NJ for regular bikes for just 450$




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