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Another commercial dock is upcoming in Antwerp Port

Another commercial dock is upcoming in Antwerp port

Belgium authorities are planning the building of a new, bigger dock which is scheduled to have extra 11 mln TEUs of container capacity annually.
At present, Antwerp port has 9.5 % growth in container shipments in the first decade 2015, comparing to the same period in 2014. The new terminal at Saeftinghe dock is planned to start working in 2021 which will cost government around $ 751.5 mln. Meanwhile MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company) will move its operations from Delwaide dock to Deurgang terminal at port of Antwerp.


Grimaldi ​will launch European roro service!

Grimaldi ​will launch European roro service!

Grimaldi Group will launch soon new shipping service within Europe. They are about to provide roro between ports of Venice, Italy and Patras in Greece.The new line shall start operating already by June and will include 3 weekly departures on both sides. The line will see two modern roro ships,both are capable of transporting 3,500 linear meters of rolling cargo​.​

Moving between Northern Italy, Central/Northern Europe and Greece as well as other Balkan countries the service will be offered for​ ​unaccompanied trucks, vans, cars and other rolling equipment


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U.S. Ports' Improvement

U.S. Ports' Improvement

During the last amendment, passed by the U.S. House of Representatives it was decided to allocate USD 36 million to U.S. ports as funding. This money should serve for harbour improvements, to raise the total efficiency and competitiveness of our ports. It will also help to create additional well-paid jobs and will drive the economy to the higher level. It was Congresswoman Janice Hahn who pushed for the amendment and  promised to increase the financing level to 100% next year.


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