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Happy Birthday Ghana!

Dear Ghanaians! Happy Independence Day! We wish you freedom in your minds and your words, pride in your souls and salute to your nation! Enjoy and celebrate this Day! Have a  Happy Independence Day!


We speak English, French, Arabic, Russian and Spanish.

Dear clients,

If you have any questions feel free to contact our team and we will be happy to assist you in a Live chat, over the phone or email.

You can find each department contact on Contact us page.

Thank you


Customers Reviews and Testimonials!

Auction Export customer's satisfaction it's not just promises, it is our Lifestyle.

You can get to know what our customers say about their experience with AuctionExport  by the following link "Customers Testimoials" or watch "Video testimonials".



Registered Dealer in North America? Sell your cars with us!

Dear clients, if you are registered Dealer in North America you have an amazing opportunity to sell your cars worldwide with AuctionExport! Simply follow the link and register, it's FREE now! 


Electric Cars on www.AuctionExport.com!

 Nowadays Automakers spend so much effort to create efficient and high quality Electric cars. Green cars are the key to a clean environment right now, so feel free to browse our Electric inventory under the search tab.


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