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Happy Holidays

Dear Clients, our office will be closed on December 24th and 25th, 2015 because of Christmas Holidays. ‪‎AuctionExport‬ team wishes you and your family the best in this upcoming year. Thanks for yur trust and for doing business with us.


Australia Is Going To Make The Biggest Coal Port Ever

Australia Is Going To Make The Biggest Coal Port Ever

As everyone know Australian main treasure is a Great Barrier Reef. For the long time it was restricted to implement any building projects on it territory.
However, recently there was given a green light by environmental protectors to make the biggest coal port ever.

The plans include dredging of more than 1 million cubic meters. Abbot Point port expansion project faced a lot of protests as it can damage the reef itself and harm its flora and fauna. But from the other side it will raise the trade volumes aimed at Asia markets.


Maersk Joins Trade Facilitation Alliance

Danish shipping giant Maersk Group has joined the WTO-backed Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation.

The news came at the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya. The Alliance consists of governments, multinational companies and the International Chamber of Commerce, as well as the World Economic Forum.

The 2 major goals which the TFA aims to reach are minimizing supply chain barriers and reinvigorating global trade. In order to achive that, the group will look into trade barriers in each country and work on removing the biggest obstacles to global trade.

The plan should benefit all countries and companies of the Alliance, as the WTO estimates that its full implementation could add USD 1 trillion to the global GDP and 21 million new jobs.


South African Ports New System

South African Ports New System

Starting from November 23rd all of the 8 commercial ports along the South Africa’s coastline are using Transnet National Ports Authority’s (TNPA). First the system was introduced in July and now reached South Africa. That's the single port system that unites all the port workers and allows to track the vessels and receive notifications within ports network. It has replaced all manual processes previously used to monitor operations, vessel traffic and routes as well as terminal services. More than 300 agents have already registered in new web-based Integrated Port Management System (IPMS).

So now we can expect South African ports to raise its efficiency few times up.


Electric Cars on www.AuctionExport.com!

Dear clients, currently government initiatives the development of electric vehicles and we have a variety of electric automobiles available for sale.

Electric Cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/cars/electric


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