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Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear AuctionExport Dealers,our office will be closed on November 26th for Thanksgiving Day. Regular working hours will resume  on November 27th.
AuctionExport Team


Buy Electric Cars and Save on Gas!

Buy Electric Cars and Save on Gas!

Electric cars are entirely charged by the electricity you provide, meaning you don't need to buy any gas ever again. Electric cars are 100 percent eco-friendly, as it runs on clean energy source. Check our cost effective deals - LINK


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Dear members, you can  track all the freshly added cars on our website. Simply specify year, make and model of the car, you are interested in and we will notify you as soon as specified type of car is added to the website's inventory.

To subscribe please sign in to your AuctionExport account and select NotifyMe Service. Complete the form in few clicks and start receive free email alerts with new vehicles notifications.

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Saturday Live Sale!

Dear clients, enjoy our Saturday Live Sale and Bid on Cars in Real Time from the comfort of your home. Live Sale



Friday is a Great Day to Save 50$!

Dear members,

Every registered dealer has a chance to save $50 by making a Buy Now Purchase. If you have already chosen the vehicle you want to purchase, you can click on BUY NOW. Today is a great day to Save, enjoy it!


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