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Levy changed in Nigeria

To all our valued Nigerian members,


As we try to go further ahead and  get more updated information regarding the increase, here is most recent updated information we were able to gather. Please check the following link. Thank you




Also don't forget to follow up on Facebook.





NIGERIA/ Change in Duties News

The Nigerian Customs Service on Wednesday denied the allegation by licenced customs agents that it had started the implementation of the 35 per cent duty on imported used vehicles.

Mr. Chris Osunkwo, Spokesman for the Tin-Can Island Customs Command, told the News Agency of Nigeria that the customs was only collecting the 20 per cent duty on new vehicles.

“At no time did the customs collect 35 per cent duty on second-hand vehicles.

“The July 1 directive by the Federal Government on the item still stands. We are not collecting such tariff until July 1.





To all our Valued clients


please note that vehicle status has been changed for the cars loaded in to the GGU0314 out of NJ


a notification has been sent to all those whose clients whose vehicle loaded.


If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us.






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