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To all our valued customers!

Please note that currently Grimaldi is undergoing delays out of Baltimore and New Jersey. They are about a month delay and are rolling vehicles to later vessels without any notice. Please note that this is something that unfortunately we can't control.

As soon as we have confirmation on which vehicles have sailed, we will change the status in your profile. It is in our best interest to ship your vehicles fast. We also offer service with Hoegh lines for those interested. Thank you.


Live on the phone bidding!

Every vehicle with a bidding option allows you to request live on the PHONE BIDDING.
If you submit a live on the phone request you will receive an email with an approximate time of the sale and will be contacted by one of our sales representatives 5 minutes before the bidding starts. During the live sale our sales representative will tell you the current bid amounts and you will tell him whether to bid or stop. This gives the advantage of bidding even when you are away from the computer.


Ship your Car with AuctionExport! Save your time and money!

AuctionExport provides you with Ground Transportation, Ocean Shipping (RO-RO/Container) and Air Shipping. For more information about the transportation follow AuctionExport Shipping 



Happy Friday Deal

Every BUY NOW Purchase on Friday will give you discount of $50 on Buyer fee!!!


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