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Expect less delays from the Florida ports!


Jaxport Board Chairman and CEO joined together regarding the port growth project to expand Miami, Port Everglades and Jacksonville ports. They will be handing out Billions of dollars in the next five years to capture a greater share of Regional Container Cargo!

More information regarding the project coming soon!


Ship your car now with AuctionExport, ask us how! shipping@auctionexport.com



To all our clients from Jordan!

Did  you know that,

BAM International and Aqaba Development Corporation have just finished construction of a new port in Aqaba, Jordan. The $88.6 million project includes multiple facilities and is part of the Jordan government's long-term economic plan?

Soon to be operational, we will keep you posted on rated and service to this new port!



CHEAPER PRICES ALWAYS!!!!! WANT TO KNOW HOW MUCH IT WILL COST YOU? send us an email to shipping@auctionexport.com ! ask us how we can save you $$$$ in just matter of seconds!



Container shipping

Did you know that you can save more money if you do your own 40' container with 3-4 cars?

It is very simple. At the time of purchase let your sales representative know that you want to do your own container and we will arrange a new ocean price for you. You can also use the cars you bought somewhere else to fill your container.

Let us know where to pick it up and we will manage to arrange everything for you!


for more answers to all your questions please contact our shipping department. shipping@auctionexport.com


Thank you for choosing AuctionExport


Updated calendar

Please find below schedule.


thank you, your shipping department


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