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Over 500 clients invited their friends and got rewarded!

Over 500 clients invited their friends and got rewarded!

If you have a friend, family member or a coworker who is looking for a car, invite them all to AuctionExport. We reward those whose referral leads to a successful purchase of a car with us when the car has been paid for in full.

For details -  https://www.auctionexport.com/Home/Refer_A_Friend_Help



Opportunity to Save on AuctionExport fees. Only 10 days left!

Dear clients, we truly believe that you have enjoyed amazing opportunity to save up to $300 this October.

If you did not check REPO cars yet, follow this link - https://www.auctionexport.com/cars/repo

I hope you'll find this information useful. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate in contacting us.



New Labor Agreement for Port Saint John

Port of Saint John, New Brunswick has announced a newly-signed collective labor deal. The agreement includes salary increases and more training opportunities at the Canadian port.

This will pave the way for a modernization project set to transform the port's container infrastructure. The project is planned to take 7 years to complete at a cost of CAD 205 million. The funds will be provided by the Federal and Provincial governments, as well as the port.

Improvements will help the port handle larger vessels by deepening the main channel from 8.4 to 10 meters and adding new systems and technology.


Friday Savings!

  Dear members, you have an amazing opportunity to save 50$ today.

  Every BUY NOW purchase on Friday will give you discount of 50$ on Buyer fee.
  Check our Buy Now inventory - Clean and Salvage Buy Now vehicles


Decrease in the ground shipping price from Toronto, Canada!

Dear clients, we are happy to announce an incredible decrease in the ground shipping price from Toronto, Canada!
Now, if your desired vehicle is located in Toronto, we will be able to ship it for 975$ only. Save almost 200$ and ship your car from Toronto with a discounted price of 975$*
*This applies for sedans or mid size suvs only

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