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Saturday Live Sale!

Dear clients, enjoy our Saturday Live Sale and Bid on Cars in Real Time from the comfort of your home. Live Sale



Friday is a Great Day to Save 50$!

Dear members,

Every registered dealer has a chance to save $50 by making a Buy Now Purchase. If you have already chosen the vehicle you want to purchase, you can click on BUY NOW. Today is a great day to Save, enjoy it!



AuctionExport is a mobile friendly website.

The quickest way to find a car is to check the AuctionExport website mobile version. All content is available on m.auctionexport.com. Find your car on your cell phone. Enjoy your browsing.


Buy your Car now and pay for it later!

Dear clients, we offer financing to some major destinations. If you are an existing or new AuctionExport client, you are welcome to contact us directly at +1 416.900.3303 ext: 2 sales@auctionexport.com for more information.


Cars under 1000 dollars

Dear clients, check out our end of the year Sale.  We have cars under 1000 dollars. Find good deals and Save with AuctionExport. Visit Search Page > Cars under 1000 . These deals won't last long

Cars under 1000  - https://www.auctionexport.com/cars/under1k

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