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Sea levels will rise 6 meters!

Sea levels will rise 6 meters!

According to recent research of Past Global Changes project, the ocean level rise doesn't depend on Global warming. It was stated that during the recent research sea level came up for 6 meters higher for three times without temperature growth. This study was based on materials, gathered by NASA for the last years. So that is why let us remind you that because of the global warming United Nations decided to keep temperature level not higher than 2 degrees comparably to pre-industrial times by reducing emissions in order to avoid more floods.


Friday Special!

Dear clients,

Every Buy Now Purchase on Friday will give you a discount of 50$ on Buyer fee!

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Shipbuilding project implemented by Maersk line

Maersk shipping line has begun co-operation with South Korean shipbuilding company Hyundai Heavy Industries which is worth USD 1.1 bln. The main aim is constructing of 9 container ships with a capacity of 14000 TEU per each one. This is going to be the 3rd shipbuilding project implemented by Maersk line. 9 new vessels will start sailing in 2017 under Singaporean flag. This will help to extend North-South  and East-West trades where requirements are different.


Refer a friend and get rewarded!

Refer a friend and get rewarded!

As a registered AuctionExport member, REFER A FRIEND and earn a referral bonus of $50 cash for each approved referral. The bonus will be applied only after your friend buys a vehicle through us and pays for it in full.

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