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Track all the freshly added cars on our website

This tool gives you the ability to track all the freshly added cars on our website.

Simply specify year, make and model of the car, you are interested in and we will notify you as soon as specified type of car is added to the website's inventory.

Add New Vehicle - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Notifications


Classic Cars That Are Worth to be Seen

Classic Cars That are Worth to be Seen

Dear Clients,

We created a list of Classic Cars for you, they are worth to be seen! Now you can browse the list - Click


AuctionExport is a mobile friendly website.

The quickest way to find a car is to check the AuctionExport website mobile version. All content is available on m.auctionexport.com Find your car on your cell phone. Enjoy your browsing.



Refer a friend and get rewarded!

REFER A FRIEND to AuctionExport, who in turn will buy a vehicle through us, and receive $50 CASH send directly to you through Money Gram or Western Union! Please note that you have to be registered with Auction Export in order to REFER A FRIEND (registration is FREE) and your account must be in good standing.

When you decide to refer your friend to us, please log into your Auction Export profile and click the "REFER A FRIEND" tab on the top menu bar. Fill in the email address of the person you wish to refer and click "Refer a friend". Your friend will automatically receive an email with a registration link, when he follows the link and registers with us, he will automatically be under your referrals. After your friend buys the car through us and pays for it in full, we will send you $50 CASH bonus. It's really that simple!

For more information about "Refer a friend Program" please follow the link - REFER A FRIEND


What are the advantages of buying a REPO car?

REPO is a separate category of vehicles on our website.

Offers are marked with yellow labels that read REPO.

What are the advantages of buying a REPO car?

- only two mandatory fees to pay (maximum $365), you're spared of all the additional charges from the auction or dealer;

- price low as never;

- some of the cars are in transit which will save up to 60 days of delivery time;

- totals costs are at the ready to be given to you upon your request even without a deposit.

All REPO cars - > https://www.auctionexport.com/cars/repo

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