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Vehicle History Report

On AuctionExport.com you can order vehicle history reports in packages for $15, $30 and $50.

To order the Vehicle History Report, simply login and go to the “Services” tab in your profile page > https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Autocheck 

Please note, that to order this service you should have a positive account balance > https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/FinanceDeposit 

Let us know if you have any questions: help@auctionexport.com 📧 1-416-900-33-03 📞


Why should I place a deposit?

To proceed with purchase with AuctionExport the initial deposit has to be available in your account. Required amount is 10% of BuyNow/bid, but not less than $600.

Please note that some of the auctions and live sales require $1,000 as a minimum deposit.

Deposit allows you to use the BID and BUY NOW options.


1 - Login > go to section FINANCE > Make a Payment: https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/FinanceDeposit

2 - Select the preferable payment method - Credit / Debit Card or Bank Wire Transfer

3 - Send us the Confirmation of Payment and valid ID Copy.

The deposit is required for reserving the car from the seller for you and it will be fully included in the total amount and you need to pay the remaining balance. 

If someone raises the BID amount above your bid at the live auction, you can leave it, without losing your deposit; the same amount would stay in your account, as there are no charges for Your Bidding Attempts.

Your deposit can be in your profile unlimited period of time till you purchase a car or you can request a refund if you buy nothing.


Stay Updated with Notify Me Service!

You can activate "Notify Me" service on your profile so you will be updated with fresh offers of cars you are interested in. Simply login to your profile, go to the section “Services”, select “Notify Me” option and add any vehicle with all your preferences. This way you will be receiving fresh offers to your mailbox.


Once you see a listing that you like or you are ready to start buying, please let us know so we could provide you with further guidance. 

help@auctionexport.com  | 1-416-900-33-03 


Save your search results to view them later

ADD TO MY WATCH LIST service allows you to save your search results and check on them later. 

Click ADD TO MY WATCH LIST button on any vehicle profile and car will be added to your WATCHLIST.

In order to check the cars in your WATCH LIST, go to the SERVICES section and choose WATCH LIST. 


Let us know if you have any questions: help@auctionexport.com 📧 | 1-416-900-33-03 📞



Track your cargo live through our profile feature!

AuctionExport introduces its innovative feature - Live Vessel tracking. You can track your cargo live through our profile feature. You can View the Location of your ship through your profile under the vehicle status tab. You will receive a notification if this option becomes available for your vehicle, after it has been delivered to the exit port.

For more information please contact shipping department: shipping@auctionexport.com

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