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How to check an approximate price for an auction vehicle?

There are a lot of auction cars on our website. Auction vehicles do not have fixed prices. Therefore, you can check only Current BID and Time Left for the auction to start.

In order to find out an approximate price of such a vehicle, you can check “Similar Vehicle Price Statistics Results”, this option is right under buying options. This way you can have an idea on what price a specific vehicle can be sold for. Also, you can check similar offers with fixed prices (BUY NOW option).



What is Gift Certificate promo code ?

Gift Certificate promo code is a coupon with code that you can get from your friends or relatives who have already purchased a car with AuctionExport.

This field is optional in the registration form, so you can skip it and complete registration without the code -  https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Register


We're here and ready to help!

Auction Export can help you:

1) find a car of your choice on the wholesale authorized auctions of USA and Canada;
2) arrange shipping to your destination country;
3) handle all the paperwork for you.

We have access to entire inventory of North America, so you will easily find the vehicle of your choice. You can follow this link to check available offers >>> https://m.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory

Simply start with free online registration to our website to get an access to all cars and prices for our products here https://m.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Register

Let us know if you have any questions: help@auctionexport.com 📧 1-416-900-33-03 📞


Track all the freshly added cars on our website

This tool gives you the ability to track all the freshly added cars on our website.

Simply specify year, make and model of the car, you are interested in and we will notify you as soon as specified type of car is added to the website's inventory.

Add New Vehicle - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Notifications


Classic Cars That Are Worth to be Seen

Classic Cars That are Worth to be Seen

Dear Clients,

We created a list of Classic Cars for you, they are worth to be seen! Now you can browse the list - Click

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