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August Special for AuctionExport members!

Dear clients, you can buy a car in August and get 100$ bonus towards your next purchase.

Don't miss your chance, buy and save with AuctionExport.

Find your car deal today - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory


Houston Shipping Channel Closed

Houston Shipping Channel Closed
Let us inform you, that recently the Upper Houston Ship Channel closed one of its sections. The reason was the leakage of 1000 gallons of diesel to Greens Bayou from the cement plant. Such decision to isolate polluted area was made by the Captain of the Port. So, currently, there is a safety zone established and cleaning operations has begun. The time of the Channel opening hasn't been announced yet.


Cars under 1000$

Used cars for Sale under 1000$. Find pre-owned cars and Save with AuctionExport.
Different types of vehicles available for sale from North America Auto Auctions.
*Don't forget to register to view entire inventory.

Click on link to view - Cars under 1000$.



July Special


This July 2015 you can buy any* Toyota Camry or Lexus RX and get a 100$ off !
*Any Year, any vehicle condition, any mileage


Busan port plans to grow

Busan port plans to grow

Due to current tendency of containership growth, the port of Busan makes huge plans for expansion. By 2020 it plans to become the largest port ever after the port of Singapore. The capacity announced to increase to 13 million TEU a year. The project is 17 m depth by 2017 and getting rid of Todo island situated at the port entrance by 2019. Moreover, current multipurpose terminal is going to be replaced. That area will be filled with new storage area and a yard tractor shuttle road in 2018.There will be more details of total reconstruction announced.

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