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Condor service stops operation

Condor service stops operation

So-called Condor service, connecting Europe and Asia according to previous agreement of 2 huge shipping companies won't work full time any more. Since September 15th Maersk Line and Mediterranean Shipping Company will arrange the service upon demand and will develop it as the seasonal service. Let us remind, previously Condor service had 9.5 thousand TEU each week. All changes will be discussed by the end of August and implemented by the next year.


Reduced Shipping Rates available now!‏

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that our shipping rates* to the following destinations have been reduced:

Dammam, Jeddah, Kuwait   $ 1290
Jebel Ali   $  1200
Aqaba      $  1180
Sohar, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Doha  $ 1390

* Please note that rates apply for RORO service with NYK lines.
If you have any questions please contact us at shipping@auctionexport.com
Thank you and have a nice day.


August Special !!!

Dear clients, we are happy to announce that August promotion is still on!
You can buy a car in August and get a 100$ off towards your next purchase with AuctionExport.

* All year, make and model are participating! Save your time and money! 

Find your ride now - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory



Financing to Ghana!

Auction Export offers FINANCING to all the customers from Ghana. You do not have to pay for your car at the time of the purchase. You pay down payment of 33% and we will start shipping your vehicle. The rest is paid on its arrival or 60 days expiration term. 

For details contact us at sales@auctionexport.com 


Les vehicules de moins de $1,000!

Même le budget restreint n'est pas un empêchement à l'achat d'une voiture. AuctionExport vous propose la liste des véhicules de moins de $ 1,000! Veuillez visiter www.auctionexport.com et aller dans la section de “Recherche”.

Cliquez sur le bouton “Les vehicules de moins de $1,000” et choisissez une voiture de vos rêves à bon prix. Dans la section de Recherche Avancée vous pouvez même choisir année, prix, marque et modèle de la voiture.

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