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NY Ports Addressing Cyber Threats

NY Ports Addressing Cyber Threats

The Area Maritime Security Committee (AMSC) for the Port of New York and New Jersey has formed an alliance to combat growing cybersecurity challenges. The US Coast Guard and AMSC for the Port of New York and New Jersey have implemented a series of measures to enhance maritime cybersecurity and port resilience. The coalition includes members from the maritime industry, Rutgers University and Stevens Institute.

The AMSC will share cyber threat information and participate in routine cyber exercises. Additionally, a Cyber Advisory Committee will be tasked with assisting in cyber-incident responses, as well as rewarding stakeholders who take a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

“Cyberattacks are a 21st century reality and an ever-present operational risk that we must be ready for,” Vitol Group's Jeff Milstein said.


Buy Now vs. Current Bid

Cars at the site are available with either a BUY NOW price or CURRENT BID

BUY NOW - fixed price that you can get a car for right off, without bidding; if a car has no buy now price - it's available only for auction, where one has to win a car at the highest bid.

CURRENT BID - is not the final car's price; the current bid amount has to be raised, thus you'd enter the auction and get a chance to buy a car at the bid amount you off

Watch bidding tutorial here - https://youtu.be/bfLwTRS_4gI




Container shipper Ocean Network Express (ONE) has joined the New York Shipping Exchange (NYSHEX), an exchange platform for shippers and carriers.

NYSHEX represents over 60% of global carrier capacity and includes all three container shipping alliances - 2M, Ocean Alliance and THE Alliance. ONE will initially begin posting selective offers for the Transpacific Eastbound trade January sailings.
“We are thrilled to welcome ONE as a carrier member of the exchange. The ONE approach to container shipping today is refreshing and relevant, we look forward to the continued collaboration and innovation,” NYSHEX CEO Gordon Downes said.

Digital contracts made through NYSHEX have achieved a fulfillment rate of 98.4%, greatly improving reliability for both shippers and carriers.


Refer a friend

“Refer a friend” promo allows you to invite your friends that are not registered with AuctionExpoort yet to sign up and buy cars with us, and get a reward! Send the signup invitation links from your profile, and if your referral buys any vehicles on the website, you will get a $50 bonus. 

Find out more about the special offer here - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/Refer_A_Friend_Help



Most auction cars, listed on the website, are scheduled for a specific time and date of the LIVE SALE. That particular event takes place regardless of AuctionExport and we can help you join sales for cars you choose, so you can try and win one. Please pay your attention to the TIME LEFT before the auction; when it runs out a car will be sold to the highest bidder.

Before the live sale, you can place your bids on cars through our website, which is the PRE-bidding round; not the actual sale yet.

When the time runs out, the option of placing bids at our site becomes unavailable and you can see 'pre-bidding closed' and 'listing expired' notifications.

If you see an auction car you like, be sure to put the deposit for bidding before the live sale starts so you don't miss the deal.

Login link - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/LogIn

Direct link - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/FinanceDeposit

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