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Sweetheart Special Deal

Dear Clients,

February is a special time of the year for you to show your love and appreciation to your second halves, beloved people, and family members. Enjoy 50$ OFF any purchase from February 10 - February 20th, 2020.

Search Now - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory

*Can not be combined with any other discounts and promo. 


Friday savings with AuctionExport!

Friday savings with AuctionExport!

Every Friday AuctionExport offers a great opportunity to buy Buy Now  offer and save $ 50 on your purchase without delay.

The whole catalog of cars is available by the link - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory/Search_Results?vehicleType=2&auctionType=1&auctionType=3

If you have any questions or need assistance in car searching, please email help@auctionexport.com



Refer a friend

If you’re a sociable person looking for ways to earn some extra money?

Feel free to take advantage of AuctionExport Refer a Friend program. 

How does it work? 

One. Send your interested a link to sign up with AuctionExport from a specific section in your own profile page with AuctionExport. 

Two. Make sure that he or she gets registered successfully with us by your referral link. 

Three. Once your friend makes his first purchase with us and pays for it in full, you get a bonus of $50. The bonus is redeemable, and you can request for it to be paid to your account. Or, you can accumulate and use the money towards your purchase!

More info>>  https://www.auctionexport.com/Home/Refer_A_Friend_Help


Special Discount for AuctionExport Members

February is a special time of the year for you to show your love and appreciation to your second halves, beloved people, and family members.

So we give you a great discount - 100$ off on ANY Buy Now purchase you make on 3rd, 4th and 5th of February 2020.

If you are not a Member Yet - check our Membership Program - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy/Membership



What are the advantages of buying a REPO car?

REPO  is a separate category of vehicles on our website.

Offers are marked with yellow labels that read REPO.

What are the advantages of buying a REPO car?

- only two mandatory fees to pay (maximum $365), you're spared of all the additional charges from the auction or dealer;

- price low as never;

- some of the cars are in transit which will save up to 60 days of delivery time;

- totals costs are at the ready to be given to you upon your request even without a deposit.

All REPO cars - > https://www.auctionexport.com/cars/repo

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