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Get Extra 200$ OFF ANY REPO🚗

Our grand sale is on! Get extra $200 OFF ANY REPO right now! 

Don’t know what a REPO is? 

REPO offers are cars from our repossessed inventory, which are already posted with discounts and minimum fees! Nevertheless, we offer an additional discount of $200! Can you imagine? 

There is really no time like the present, don’t miss the opportunity to save your money with AuctionExport! 

Take a look at your wishlist cars at unreal pricesHERE right now. 

To start, simply place an initial $600 deposit >https://m.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/FinanceDeposit  and we will do all the work, including documentation, clearance at the exit port and car delivery.



Join us on IG LIVE stream on Feb 1st at 10.00 AM (EST) https://www.instagram.com/auctionexportofficial/.

Tomorrow during the live stream we’re gonna choose the owner of the IPAD Mini. We wish everyone good luck and look forward to the finale🤞. So, time is running out …


You can become a Certified dealer!

Once you will have a minimum of 15 purchases we will send an official AUCTIONEXPORT DEALER CERTIFICATE that will certify your identity as our official dealer. All of them have official stamps, signatures and identification codes. 

There are lots of Benefits you can take advantage of by being an AuctionExport Dealer > https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy/Membership

Please start with free online registration to our website to get access to all cars and prices for our products > https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Register

We are always open to cooperation and looking forward to doing more business with you in the future!

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns on how to become Certified Dealer help@auctionexport.com


Happy Friday!

Dear clients, for every Buy Now purchase on Friday you can save $50.

Click on Buy Now and Buy a vehicle of your desire. 

Check offers by the link > https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/fixedprice

In order to use our buying options "BUY NOW" and "BID", you have to be a registered member on our website (please start with free online registration https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Register) and place a deposit on your account with AuctionExport.

If you have any questions or need assistance in car searching, please email us via help@auctionexport.com


Live on the phone bidding 📞

If you submit a live on the phone request you will receive an email with an approximate time of the sale and will be contacted by one of our sales representatives 5 minutes before the bidding starts. During the live sale our sales representative will tell you the current bid amounts and you will tell him whether to bid or stop. This gives the advantage of bidding even when you are away from the computer. The sale is very quick with approximately 3 seconds between bids.

For more information about our bidding options - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy.

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