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  • Legalización de despacho aduanero en Canadá y EE.UU
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Worry about the safety of your car while it's being shipped across the ocean to you? Ocean insurance coverage is the answer.

During the ground transportation from the car’s point of sale to the exit port, all purchased vehicles are insured. If you wish to be one hundred percent sure in the safety of your car during the ocean shipping, you can additionally order ocean insurance coverage.

You can check the insurance coverage rates in our shipping department. Simply send an email to shipping@auctionexport.com or call us +1 416 900 33 03.


View all vehicle listings posted on the website from your mobile phone!

View all vehicle listings posted on the website from your mobile phone!
With Auction Export mobile version, you can easily browse cars online via your mobile phones.
Gain access to the information that you need and easily navigate the content from any location.
LiveChat button is also there, simply scroll down the home page.


Happy Friday Special Is On!

​Buy Now Option allows you to make an outright purchase at an indicated price, skipping the bidding. If you prefer this option, today is the best time to make your move.

Every Friday you can get $50 off on your Buy Now purchase.

Check some offers below:

Buy Now Clean Cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/clean

Buy Now Salvage Cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/fixedprice_salvage

​If you need any assistance, please feel free to use our LiveChat ​or email us on info@auctionexport.com.


Buy cars and get $100 OFF shipping!😲👍

Shipping discount - is a perfect reason to treat yourself with car purchases. Isn’t it?

From Mar 15th-Apr 30th we’re offering a $100 OFF on Ocean Shipping to Nigeria or European countries

Simply buy 2 cars or more within the mentioned period and get a $100 discount on your 2nd and next purchases with AuctionExport. It doesn’t get any better than this!


*Offer valid for the buyers who made 2 purchases from Mar 15th - Apr 30th, 2022. Vehicles should be shipped to Nigeria/European countries. Cannot be combined with any other promotions and discounts.


Happy Friday Deal!

Every registered dealer has a chance to save $50 by making a Buy Now Purchase.

So if you have already chosen the vehicle you want to possess you can check if it has BUY NOW option. Simply open the car profile page and look if the Bid Information section has blue BUY NOW button.

Buy Now Clean Cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/clean

BuyNow Salvage Cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/fixedprice_salvage

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