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Höegh Autoliners keeps up to date

Höegh Autoliners keeps up to date

Norwegian shipping company specializing in RORO is testing it's already fifth Post-Panamax Pure Car Truck Carrier (PCTC). The carrier company is in plans to upgrade it's fleet with 6 new PCTC vessels, the largest in the world by capacity. New giants are going to be out for deliveries this year. 1 such vessel can carry 8,500 equal car units, excepting high and heavy project cargo, in total of 77,000 Mt.

Höegh provides service from North America to Asia, Europe, Australia, East Africa, Arabic countries, etc


North Carolina Port is ready for Bigger Ships

Authority of North Carolina port finished the expansion of turning basin at the Wilmington Port. Now it  is ready to accept post-Panamax vessels with length up to 350 m and a breadth of 48 m.

The expansion project took 6 months and it is ready to provide accommodation of the vessels in the range 8,000 - 10,000 TEU.

The Yang-Ming Unity was the biggest vessel to use the expanded turning basin. The vessel with 8,200 TEUs arrived to the port on August 7, 2016.

As per recent reports  2016 was the best-ever financial year for North Carolina Port and  we should expect an impressive start in 2017.


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‎Toyota‬ ‪‎Corolla‬ 50th anniversary Promotion!

#‎Toyota‬ ‪#‎Corolla‬ 50th anniversary Promotion!

To participate share your pic with your Toyota Corolla vehicle on our facebook page and use the hashtag ‪#‎AuctionExportCorolla50‬.

On October 31st, 2016 three participants with the most likes will win 100$* promo credit towards their next purchase with ‪#‎AuctionExport‬.

Good luck to all of you!🚘

For details please contact marketing@auctionexport.com

*certain conditions apply.

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