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Video Help Gallery

Check our video guidances to get a detailed explanation on how AuctionExport Company works and what kind of services you can get.

We made our video helps as detailed as possible to show you all features that you can access from your client profile on a computer from the comfort of your desktop.



WinGD Joins LNG Marine Fuel Institute

WinGD Joins LNG Marine Fuel Institute

Marine technology company WinGD has joined the LNG Marine Fuel Institute.

WinGD specializes in the advancement of LNG as fuel in the shipping industry and the LNG Marine Fuel Institute works with affiliated government and non-government bodies worldwide to advocate for LNG as a marine fuel.

WinGD Vice President Rolf Stiefel stated: “Collaboration with like-minded industry leaders is the key to ensuring stable and environmentally sustainable growth for the maritime sector. We are proud to be joining LNG Marine Fuel Institute to help further strengthen their voice in advocating for LNG as a marine fuel.”


Login & Unlock Your Christmas Gift !

By one click, you can get $5- $300 on your AuctionExport account balance and make a purchase with a guaranteed discount.

If you are not logged-in or registered, please proceed with login or registration first - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/LogIn

If you have questions, feel free to contact us back.


Happy Friday Deal!

If you're ready to buy a car, Friday is high time as you have a chance to save $50 by making a Buy Now Purchase.

So if you have already chosen the vehicle you want to possess you can check if it has the BUY NOW option.

Buy Now Clean Cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/clean

BuyNow Salvage Cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/fixedprice_salvage


Shipping Services For All

Bought a car somewhere else? Don't know how to ship it?

We can send the vehicle to your country without problem!  Send us an email to shipping@auctionexport.com . You can refer any non registered member and we will guide them through the process. Easy way to track your cargo, follow up and monitor it.

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