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Electric Cars on www.AuctionExport.com!

The US now had around 450,000 electric vehicles through April, China was at around 300,000 by March, and Japan is at around 150,000 through March 2016. Norway 4th Country To Hit 100,000 Electric Car Sales. Considering that Norway is home to less than 10 million people (closer to 5 million), 100,000 electric cars represents quite an achievement — and just goes to show how effective the country’s approach to encouraging electric vehicle.

Go Green with Auction Export and Drive Electric vehicles - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/electric



Save 100$ on every BMW purchase today!

This May you can buy any BMW with AuctionExport and save 100$ on every purchase.

The more you buy the more you save.

Click to check #AuctionExport #BMW cars  -  https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/bmw

AuctionExport - the business you can trust!

Video ad - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eM7wxGWscg


Dealer and REPO Inventory

REPO is a car that was repossessed back from the buyer who failed to pay for the purchase. REPO cars are being sold at unbelievable discounts, and with minimum fees.

REPO cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/dealer_repo




Friday Savings!

This may you can buy any BMW with AuctionExport and save 100$ on every purchase.  The more you buy the more you save. AuctionExport - the business you can trust! Video ad - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eM7wxGWscg

Click to check #AuctionExport #BMW cars  -  https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/bmw



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All car buyers receive a "Lottery Scratch Card" alongside with the documents for their purchase with AuctionExport. 
Every client who will make a purchase with us - will get a chance to WIN 10$, 25$, 50$, 100$ or 300$ bonus*!
The lucky buyers will scratch the play area and find an exclusive Promo Code with the multiplied car symbols.

To apply the corresponding Promo Code, please LOGIN to your AuctionExport Account > CLICK on the blue Promo Code button and enter the Promo Code that is located on a top right corner of the Play area.


Your account will be immediately updated with bonuses that can be redeemed for your further successful purchases with AuctionExport!

* Clients with purchases only.

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