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Chinese government will be introducing faster sea route

Chinese government will be introducing faster sea route

Maritime Safety Administration of China issued a new guide offering to turn its ships to Arctic as an option of cutting sailing time between Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Since northern coast of North America is becoming more popular for trading and therefore shipping and due to global warming with its melting ice cover - China is about to introduce new passage that will allow to cut traditional route by 30 % connecting northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Although more specific dates when this will start practicing has not been given yet. In the future, Arctic route will help Chinese owners to expand its business activity by saving time and money.


Refer a Friend and get Rewarded!

   Refer a friend and get rewarded!

As a registered AuctionExport member, REFER A FRIEND and earn a referral bonus of $50 cash for each approved referral.

The bonus will be applied only after your friend buys a vehicle through us and pays for it in full.

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