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Sell your cars worldwide!

Dear Clients,
You can register with AuctionExport as a seller and sell your cars worldwide!
If you want to sell your cars with us, follow the link - Register as a Seller, fill out a special form, and click on "Register As A Seller" button. Please note that you have to be a registered dealer in North America in order to sell with us.

For more information please watch the video Guide! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BqZOzyOJo0



Be aware of scams!

Be aware of scams!
Dear clients,  there is a large growing number of companies that may offer you online buying options and shipping service for incredibly low prices. However, please pay attention and do as much research as possible about the company of interest before making any sort of payments! Please be aware of scams and fraud. We don’t want you to lose your hard earned money. Please think twice before making any sort of payment to untrustworthy sources and to companies that do not have proofs of legitimacy of their activity, existence, certified business license and simply a real office address. We do not want you to be a victim of someone’s fraudulent ideas, please be careful.
As a suggestion simply search the information about the company you are interested in on www.google.com or other major online search engines, or visit www.Ripoffreport.com , these websites will provide you with as much information as possible about the company of interest, you will also be able to read reviews that other clients have left.
Thank you
Auction Export Awareness program


Happy Independence Day Nigeria!!!

Nigeria! Enjoy today's special "Freedom" day!!!

Be Happy and Save with our new RORO Grimaldi Price!

Regular RORO to Nigeria out of the East Coast now just 1075$, for sedans and mid size SUVs!



Browse your desired car from any device!

Dear clients,

Now you can search for new and used vehicles, review car models and information, and get special offers by using your phones and tablets.

Thank you and have a good browsing experience!



Order a Car and we will search a vehicle for you!

Dear clients,

If you don't want to search for a car by yourself, or don't have a time for this, you can use the Order a Car Service!

All you need to do is login to your profile, make sure that you have a positive balance and click on "Order a Car" service in a Services Section. submit your request and start receiving emails with offers 24 hours after the form has been submitted. 

For more information and reviews from our clients please visit our Facebook page  - https://www.facebook.com/auctionexport

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