What is The Price Mercedes Benz C230

What is The Price Mercedes Benz C230

At AuctionExport.com you will easily find used Mercedes Benz C230 at a very attractive price.

Exact price of Used Mercedes Benz C230 depend on several factors such as year when Mercedes Benz C230 manufactured and condition of car. Example 2007 Mercedes Benz C230 can be available at approx. $4000 and Savaged Mercedes Benz C230 can be available at $500 or less.

You can buy used Mercedes Benz C230 from AuctionExport.com, at present we have 50+ Mercedes Benz C230 for sale. To get the correct answer of “What is The Price Mercedes Benz C230?” we highly recommand you to visit this page, Many Used Mercedes Benz C230 are placed at Auction you just need to submit your bid and if your bid is highest & if accepted then Mercedes Benz C230 is yours.

What is The Price Mercedes Benz C230? Answer of this question also depend on current location of Mercedes Benz C230, lets say if Mercedes Benz C230 is located in USA, then you need to consider price of car plus car shipping price from USA to Nigeria. Local car dealers in Nigeria might add their profit and can sell Mercedes Benz C230 at higher price so we always recommend to compare The Price Mercedes Benz C230 at Local dealer and car price at AuctionExport.com, we are very much sure at AuctionExport.com you will find The Price Mercedes Benz C230 lower than your local Nigerian car dealer price, it will still cost less even after considering car shipping price from USA to Nigeria.

What is The Price Mercedes Benz C230 at AuctionExport.com?

As on 25th Octomber 2017 The Price Mercedes Benz C230 at AuctionExport.com was mentioned below, if you are visiting this page few weeks or few months later then you may not get same cars mentioned below but dont worry, we add new cars every day, you will still get other Mercedes Benz C230 cars at very attractive price

1998 MERCEDES-BENZ C230 $148

2007 MERCEDES-BENZ C230 at $3000

Salvage 2002 MERCEDES-BENZ C230 at $260

Please note : We don't give you guarantee that you will get above mentioned cars at above mentioned price, all car inventories at AuctionExport.com updated every day and we remove cars as soon as someone buy a car. Our Customer care team can help you finding car within your budget.

For More Information About Mercedes Benz C230, Please Click Here

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