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Nigeria Office

Nigeria Office

We are excited to announce the opening of our Nigerian office in Apapa, Lagos.

If you're interested in buying a car but you don't know how to get started, feel free to come over and meet with our Customer Support representatives.  

We invite you to visit our recently opened location by the address 52 Bornu Crescent, Apapa, Lagos.


​More purchases, more discounts & benefits!

Buying 3 cars you can become our Silver member, 7 cars will make you our Gold member. Once you purchase 10 cars within a year, you can become our Platinum member.

On 31 December of each year, we will check your Membership Level and qualifying purchases from the previous 12 months. To keep your membership level, you need to have a required number of qualifying purchases.



Paperwork Handling

Paperwork Handling 

AuctionExport can ship any of your cars to the destination port of your choice almost  anywhere in the world. Moreover, we will handle the whole documentation work that is required for the vehicle to be exported. Only $70 documentation fee is applied for the postage service. All original ownership and shipping documents will be mailed to the USA / Canada Customs, and then will be mailed to you by courier express post. The Original Bill of lading and the Car Title are sent 5-7 days prior of vehicle or container arrival.

Buy &Ship cars with us! 

https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/Shipping c



There are a lot of auction cars on our website. Auction vehicles do not have fixed prices. Therefore, you can check only Current BID and Time Left for the auction to start.

In order to find out an approximate price of such a vehicle, you can check “Similar Vehicle Price Statistics Results”, this option is right under buying options. This way you can have an idea on what price a specific vehicle can be sold for. Also, you can check similar offers with fixed prices (BUY NOW option) 

Buy Now Salvage - https://www.auctionexport.com/cars/buynow_salvage


REPO inventory

REPO car is a car that was repossessed back from the client who failed to pay for the purchase. But his fail can be your gain. All REPO cars are being sold at great discount and minimum fees.


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