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Samsung developing first eco generator for ships

Samsung developing first eco generator for ships

South Korea's Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) and LG Innotek will partner to develop the first-ever thermo-electric generator for ships.

A thermoelectric power generation system is a device that converts thermal energy into electrical energy. When attached to heat-generating equipment such as vessel propulsion engines, the device can reduce fuel consumption as well as carbon dioxide emissions.

As an added benefit, thermoelectric power generation systems do not generate any noise, making them a potentially significant technology of the future. 

Samsung and LG plan to test the eco generators on LNG carriers ordered by NYK Line.


Happy Friday!!!

$50 Off On Your Buy Now Purchase Today!

Dear clients, for every Buy Now purchase on Friday you can save 50$.

Click on Buy Now and Buy a vehicle of your desire. If you have any questions, please contact Sales Team sales@auctionexport.com

Buy Now Clean Cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/clean

BuyNow Salvage Cars - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/fixedprice_salvage


What are the advantages of buying a REPO car?

Repossessed inventory is a category of cars with discounts and minimum fees. You can recognized these cars by yellow labels that read REPO.

What are the advantages of buying a REPO car?

- you pay only AuctionExport fees ($195 for cars less $3000 or $295 for cars more than $3000 for brokering a deal; $70 for paperwork). There are no additional charges from auctions;

- prices are discounted;

- some of the cars are in transit which will save up to 60 days of delivery time;

- totals costs are at the ready to be given to you upon your request even without a deposit.

You can find REPO cars here - > https://www.auctionexport.com/cars/repo



Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!

Dear AuctionExport Dealers,

Have a beautiful and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!! May this holiday season bring you many joys and celebrations with your loved ones.

Happy Thanksgiving day!



Friday Special

Friday Special is On

Liked some Buy Now offer on the website? Don't miss out on our Friday special and click the button today to get $50 off of the Buyer fee. 

Please browse through all current offers online -

​https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Inventory ​

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