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Due to Hurricane Matthew there might be some shipping delays

Dear clients,

Please be advised that due to Hurricane Matthew there might be some shipping delays. Currently Ports out of the East Coast are closing based on Hurricane Matthew's approach. Florida has been declared on state of emergency and Georgia has closed down its operations. We are working on keeping your vehicle's secure. For more information or details please contact shipping@auctionexport.com.


Savannah and Miami warehouses are temporarily closed

Please be advised Savannah and Miami warehouses are temporarily closed as a safety precaution and as a result of state government evacuation orders in the light of Hurricane Matthew.


Neptune lines has launched RORO service to Middle East

Neptune lines has launched RORO service to Middle East

From now on Neptune Lines will be offering a short sea vehicle transportation service to the Middle East ports. The new service will link few Arabian Gulf states such as  United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain.

As per Neptune Lines representative, the new RORO move took place on September, 27 this year and is a result of a growing demand for vehicles transportation to the Middle East market.

As of today, Greek shipping company is providing service to more than 20 countries and 30 ports worldwide within Mediterranean and the Black Seas.


Jacksonville, FL port will be closed on Oct 6 and 7th, 2016

Based on Hurricane Matthew's current path towards the US, the port in Jacksonville, FL has already declared that the terminal will close tomorrow (10/6) at 10:00 am for receiving. In addition, they will be closed on Friday (10/7) as well.


A Monster Hurricane is Approaching South-East Coast of USA

A Monster Hurricane is Approaching South-East Coast of USA

Hurricane Matthew is expected to reach Florida and North Carolina by Friday. It has already passed over Haiti and right now is located in Cuba and Bahamas area. As per forecasters there can be a reason for concern. Heavy downpours in Haiti caused flood and landfalls. Rick Knabb, hurricane center director, advised to US citizens to leave for some time if they are in evacuation zone. The state of emergency was declared in Florida and North Carolina.

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