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  • Online status update notifications of shipping process
  • Complete ground transportation insurance coverage (ocean shipping insurance extra)
  • Canada and USA Customs clearance
  • Live chat support
  • Auction Export Profile 24/7 access
1 Step: Registration
2 Step: Deposit
3 Step: Purchasing (Buying) Process
4 Step: Payment
5 Step: Transportation and Shipping
Frequently Asked Questions
Safety Advice
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Scams and frauds to watch out for
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Dear clients, there is a large growing number of companies that may offer you online buying options and shipping service for incredibly low prices.
However, please pay attention and do as much research as possible about the company of interest before making any sort of payments! Please be aware of scams and fraud. We don’t want you to lose your hard earned money.
Please think twice before making any sort of payment to untrustworthy sources and to companies that do not have proofs of legitimacy of their activity, existence, certified business license and simply a real office address. We do not want you to be a victim of someone’s fraudulent ideas, please be careful.
As a suggestion simply search the information about the company you are interested in on or other major online search engines. These websites will provide you with as much information as possible about the company of interest, you will also be able to read reviews that other clients have left.
Deceptive emails
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To prevent unauthorized access to your account, please be cautious when responding to any email seeking your personal information. There are some scammers who may use companies' similar domain names and email examples to make clients believe that an email has been send from the real company.
Be aware that AuctionExport Bank Wire Instructions can be found in your client's profile and we will never send you any bank wire instructions via email. Promptly report any suspicious emails, requesting you to make a payment.
Also, please make sure you have strong email passwords and your user ID is secured. We would like to make your online experience a pleasant one, so please be careful when responding to any suspicious emails.
Payments Details
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Due to the increasing number of fraudulent activities, please pay attention to our bank wire details listed on our website.
You have been provided with specific bank wire instructions, they are listed in your AuctionExport client's profile and you could send money to us by printing and bringing them to the bank.
Please disregard any other bank information that you are provided with, and if in doubt please do give us a call, our phone numbers are on the website or have a chat with one of our representatives.
You also allow to make a credit card payment, but this option is available only from your client profile. Thank you.
Call us +1 416.900.3303 ext: 1 (9:00am to 6:30pm EST)
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