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Norden to Transport Wood Pellets from Canada

Danish-based Dampskibsselskabet Norden A/S has signed a 9-year contract to transport a total of 3.5 million tons of wood pellets from Vancouver and Prince Rupert in Western Canada to Europe.

Starting in 2018, Supramax vessels would make 8 trips annually, taking manufacturer Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc's wood pellets from Canada to Europe. Each trip is expected to take 65 days.

Michael Boetius, Vice President and head of the Industrial Bulk in Dry Cargo at Norden, said: "The contract with Pinnacle provides us with an opportunity to achieve two things: First, the contract ensures that our vessels return with cargo from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean – a route where traditionally there is less cargo to transport. Secondly, the contract cements our already strong position in the biomass market, in which we have built up considerable experience and expertise.” 

Just last week, Norden made a deal to ship 20-24 million tons of coal to a power plant on Luzon Island, the Philippines. The company said that this respresents its largest contract ever. 


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3 Hanjin containerships were sold off

Three vessels - Hanjin Harmony, Hanjin Europe and Hanjin Africa - were sold at the auction in Rotterdam for $ 392 mln. Another Hanjin's boxship is expected to be sold in January, 2017 by the Rotterdam court. As it was previously reported, Hanjin's Asia-US route was purchased by Korean line which includes business network and client information. In addition, Hanjin's California container terminal in Long Beach was also put for a sale at the auction and two shipping companies, Hyundai Merchant Marine and Mediterranean Shipping Company, have already jointly placed a bid for a control 54% stake in port's terminal operator. 


Four New Cranes are now available in Port of Savannah

Four New Cranes are now available in Port of Savannah

New Super Post-Panamax cranes were delivered to Garden City Terminal at the Port of Savannah on December, 5 which makes the port's total to 26, more than any other terminal in the US. Including the new arrived cranes, now Savannah owes 20 new Panamax and 6 Post-Panamax cranes. These new giant cranes can serve the largest vessels going through US East Coast. Garden City Terminal is one of the busiest container handling facilities through the US which moves millions of tons of containerized cargo annually.


​New Terminal in Morocco

​New Terminal in Morocco

​The terminal operator APM Terminals, which is based in Netherlands will  construct a new first automated container terminal in Africa. That's going to be a huge project with 32 Automated Rail-Mounted Gantry Cranes (ARMGs) and 12 remote-controlled Ship-to-Shore (STS) cranes. The terminal's territory is going to be 53 square hectares with the quay length up to 1200 m. According to Willemen Groep, the work should be done by September 1, 2018, and the port terminal will be able to meet first Mega Panamax container ships.

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