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  • تغطية كاملة لتأمين النقل البري (تأمين إضافي للشحن البحري)
  • كندا والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية التخليص الجمركي
  • دعم الدردشة الحية
  • ملف تعريف تصدير المزاد 24/7 الوصول
عدد الاخبرا في كل صفحه: 
  • الجميع
  • اخر 24 ساعه
  • اخر 7 ايام
  • اخر شهر
  • اخر سنه

Calculate your expected shipping cost with in few seconds!

Get an approximate shipping cost of the vehicle to your destination by using the Shipping Calculator.
You can also calculate your expected shipping cost within few seconds on every vehicle's page on AuctionExport website!
For an exact quote please contact our Shipping Department at shipping@auctionexport.com , +1 416.900.3303 ext: 3.



AuctionExport is one of the top 50,000 sites in the world!

Dear employees, partners and clients of AuctionExport!

We are happy to announce that AuctionExport’s website www.auctionexport.com  is one of the TOP 50,000 SITES in the WORLD (according to the Alexa - global pioneer in the world of analytical insight)!

Thank you!


Stay updated with "Notify Me" service!

Always Stay Updated!

"Notify Me" service gives you the ability to track all the freshly added cars on AuctionExport website.

Simply login to your profile, select services tab and fill out the request - specify year, make and model of the car you are interested in, and we will notify you via email as soon as specified type of car is added to the website's inventory.
Save your time with AuctionExport!


Take advantage of AuctionExport “ORDER A CAR” option!

Take advantage of AuctionExport “ORDER A CAR” option!

Do not spend your time searching for a vehicle. We can do it for you!

If you have a positive account balance and you know what type of the vehicle you are looking for, you can fill in "Order a car" form.

After you submit your "Order a car" form, one of our sales representatives will search through millions of car listings and will get back to you via email with offers that you requested.

How to "Order a car"?
Login to your PROFILE - Click on "Order a car" button - Fill in the form - Press submit and wait for email. We will help you to find a good offer!

Save your time and money with AuctionExport !



To all our valued customers!

Please note that currently Grimaldi is undergoing delays out of Baltimore and New Jersey. They are about a month delay and are rolling vehicles to later vessels without any notice. Please note that this is something that unfortunately we can't control.

As soon as we have confirmation on which vehicles have sailed, we will change the status in your profile. It is in our best interest to ship your vehicles fast. We also offer service with Hoegh lines for those interested. Thank you.

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