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Maritime elaboration in Nigeria

Maritime elaboration in Nigeria

The Nigerian federal government has accomplished arrangements to develop six new deep seaports in South-west and South-south zones of the country. Moreover, Nigeria got 22 seaports being certified by the US Government which now comply with International Ship and Port Security Code. All these regulations are aimed to make Nigeria a hub of internation freight and trade in West Africa region.

Thank you, your shipping department!



We are excited to announce the new look of www.auctionexport.com!
Our portal became even more user friendly and easier to navigate. The website is updated with the latest car deals and useful buying and shipping tools! 
You can now find the content faster thanks to the website’s low hierarchical structure.

We hope that you will enjoy browsing AuctionExport’s  redesigned website and access the information in the easiest way!



Expect less delays

Expect less delays in the near future at the New York and New Jersey's port Newark Container Terminal. Major expansions include super-post-Panamax cranes.



Strategic Alliance Proclamation

      AuctionExport is recognized by Insurance Auto Auctions as an official regional representative in West Africa.



Now you can Bid for a 3 different auction lines at the same time on BidGoLive!

Dear clients, now you can Bid for 3 different auction lines at the same time on BidGoLive!
Register at www.bidgolive.com and enjoy the bidding in one place!
Benefit from this opportunity and follow the link for a FREE TRIAL! http://www.bidgolive.com/en/Auctions/Demo.
1. Click on Add lines button
2. Select 3 more lines and add auctions
3. Control a bidding process on more than 3 auctions in one time!!! Bid for a car of your dream!


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