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Live on the phone bidding 📞

If you submit a live on the phone request you will receive an email with an approximate time of the sale and will be contacted by one of our sales representatives 5 minutes before the bidding starts. During the live sale our sales representative will tell you the current bid amounts and you will tell him whether to bid or stop. This gives the advantage of bidding even when you are away from the computer. The sale is very quick with approximately 3 seconds between bids.



Dear clients, for every Buy Now purchase on Friday you can save $50.

Click on Buy Now and Buy a vehicle of your desire. 

Check offers by the link > https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/fixedprice

In order to use our buying options "BUY NOW" and "BID", you have to be a registered member on our website (please start with free online registration https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Register) and place a deposit on your account with AuctionExport.

If you have any questions or need assistance in car searching, please email us via help@auctionexport.com


Your friends can help you earn!

Earn extra $50 with AuctionExport.com!
How does it work?
1️⃣ Open REFER A FRIEND tab in your profile https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Refer_A_Friend
2️⃣ Send your Unique Invitation Link to Fiends by SMS, Whatsapp, Viber etc..
3️⃣ Send an invitation to your Friends via email right away

Once the new customer makes a purchase and pays for it in full, you will see your $50 bonus in the same table. You can either claim the bonus in cash or let it accumulate and use it towards your next car purchase.

📧 Do not hesitate to contact us if you have further inquiries marketing@auctionexport.com


Austal introduces electric-powered ferries

Austal Australia has launched the VOLTA series of electric-powered high speed ferries.

The VOLTA series includes on-shore charging infrastructure and support programs for operators. The vessels feature light-weight, low-resistance hull forms, optimized for electric-power propulsion using lithium ion batteries.

“With Austal’s unique VOLTA series of custom designed and built vessels, customers may achieve a lower total cost of ownership without compromising on performance or capability,” Austal CEO Paddy Gregg said.


Sell your cars worldwide

Auction Export provides export of vehicles worldwide. To post the offer on our platform you need to be a licensed dealer in North America. Please note, a dealer license is required.

If you want to sell your cars with us, follow the link - www.auctionexport.com/en/Seller/Register, fill out a special form, and click on "Register As A Seller" button. 

For more information please watch the video Guide

Let us know if you have any questions: help@auctionexport.com 📧 1-416-900-33-03 📞

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