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Similar Vehicle Price Statistics Results

If the car doesn’t have Buy Now Price, you can check AUCTION SALE RESULTS section that will give you the idea of the possible winning bid.

A similar option is available on each car’s profile, it’s called SIMILAR VEHICLE PRICE STATISTICS RESULTS. You can find it under the BID/BUY NOW button.

Contact us for assistance: help@auctionexport.com 1-416-900-33-03


Add Cars to Your WATCH LIST

You can click on ADD TO MY WATCH LIST button on any vehicle profile while browsing through the inventory and car will be added to your WATCH LIST.

You can add as many cars to your WATCHLIST as you wish. Use this option in order to save you search results, stay updated with the current status of the car you like.

In order to check the cars in your WATCH LIST, kindly login to your AuctionExport client Profile, go to the SERVICES section and choose WATCH LIST. You can sort cars in your WATCH LIST by year, by price, by mileage, by time left and by location.
You can easily remove cars from your WATCH LIST clicking on the grey button if you clicked on it by mistake.


Register Now

The first step of buying with us is​ free of charge registration on our website. Once you register and log in, you will be able to see prices, have access to full inventory, use different services in your AuctionExport profile, place a deposit and buy a Car.

Please notice that all purchased vehicles must be exported outside of the USA and Canada. You will not be able to register the car in Canada or the US. You are free to register on our website if you live in North America, but please make sure to indicate the destination country. 

Simply fill out required information on our registration page. It's free of charge and no ID is required during registration - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Register

Let us know if you have any questions:

help@auctionexport.com 📧 | 1-416-900-33-03 📞


Take advantage of our Shipping Calculator

Get an approximate shipping cost of the vehicle to your destination by using the Shipping Calculator.
You can also calculate your expected shipping cost within a few seconds on every vehicle's page.
For an exact quote please contact our Shipping Department at shipping@auctionexport.com


Video guides for new and experienced car shoppers

Dear clients,

On our YouTube channel you can watch video tutorials on how to register, use a profile, participate in a Live Bidding and much more. Simply click on a Video Help button

How to Register, Login and Retrieve your Password: https://youtu.be/XxN15lVfsnA

How to buy your car with AuctionExport: https://youtu.be/h5ujn4P0mko

Fast and Easy Way to Buy a Car - ORDER A CAR: https://youtu.be/cFVPWeoVi9M

LOTP - LIVE ON THE PHONE BIDDING: https://youtu.be/uAeuOJoh1Is

Everything you should know about Ground and Ocean transportation: https://youtu.be/2C2H_gZ3Ks4

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