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Paperwork Handling!

AuctionExport will ship any of your cars to the destination port of your choice almost  anywhere in the world. Moreover, we will handle the whole documentation work that is required for the vehicle to be exported. 

Only $70 documentation fee is applied for the postage service. All original ownership and shipping documents will be mailed to the USA / Canada Customs, and then will be mailed to you by courier express post. 

The Original Bill of lading and the Car Title are sent 5-7 days prior to the vehicle's or container’s arrival. 

Buy & Ship cars with us! 



AuctionExport Membership Program

All AuctionExport dealers can join Membership Program. We have established 3 Levels - Platinum, Gold and Silver. Your level is determined by the amount of qualifying purchases you have made with AuctionExport. Benefits and program details available on our website - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy/Membership 

Please let us know if you have any questions:



AuctionExport - Notify Me Service

Every registered user of AuctionExport.com can navigate the vehicle inventory with the help of the Notify Me service, which is free of charge and easy to activate. 

Go to your registered profile, open the section “Services” and setup the filters on the make, model, year range for the type of car you wish to be updated on. 

The system will be gathering all the listings that suit your preferences during the next 24 hours and sending the list to your Inbox on a daily basis for however long you prefer. 

NOTIFY ME Subscribe to Free email alerts for the freshly added cars


How to Buy a Car with a Fixed Price?

In order to buy a car with a Buy Now price, you have to be a registered member with AucdtionExport and have a deposit in your AuctionExport profile balance. Minimum deposit is $600 for the cars up to $6,000, if you plan to spend more, 10% deposit has to be in your account for the purchase.

Once your account is credited, you will be able to click the Buy Now button or send your purchase request to our Sales department, so we could reserve the car for you.

As soon as purchase is confirmed, deposit will be included in the full payment of the car and you’ll need to cover up the balance. Then we’ll proceed with the paperwork and transportation process of your car.

More information here - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy/Buying_Process


Authorized Dealers

You can start buying on AuctionExport.com at wholesale prices and then re-sell the purchased cars locally thus gaining some profit.

After your 3rd purchase you will be getting more discounts on our services - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy/Membership

Once you have 15 purchases in your account balance, you will be able to apply for Authorized Dealer.

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