Online Auto Auction, Buy Used Cars In Japan - Auction Export

Low mileage and excellent condition make used cars in Japan very popular

Car importers are well aware of the fact that it is a great bargain to buy used cars in Japan. To find used cars with low mileage yet in good quality a car auction in Japan is where the dealers make a beeline for. One of the main reasons for this is that the choice of used cars in Japan is huge and all of them can be viewed online. On an average, about 1000 cars will be on display at the auction per location and it will not be surprising to find nearly30000 cars online at one go on a single day. The selection is really immense giving potential buyers a wide berth of choice.

The second reason is that used cars in Japan unlike used cars in the usa have low mileage comparatively. This is because the Japanese tend to drive much less than people elsewhere. The driving speed in urban areas is extremely low and this combined with a very good public transport system means that the used cars in Japan have less wear and tear than in other countries.

The third reason is that the Japanese people are very particular when it comes to caring about their cars. They are extremely fastidious in maintaining their vehicle well and even old cars will generally be in excellent running condition and looks. So, combine low mileage, excellent running condition, good maintenance and looks and it is not surprising that used cars in Japan are so popular with buyers.

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