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Get a Quote for Shipping

AuctionExport helps to arrange shipping to almost any destination in the world. Approximate time of delivery is 45-60 days

The shipping price depends on different factors, such us: car's location, size, weight, condition. On each car's page you can find the Shipping Calculator that will facilitate you to get estimated cost of delivery.

In the Calculator you can get a price for Ground delivery between states in the USA or Canada and ocean shipping price from the port in the USA to the port of your country. 

If you have selected a car you're interested to purchase, we recommend to contact our Shipping Department via email shipping@auctionexport.com to get exact cost of transportation. Simply specify the LINK or LOT# or VIN# and port of destination and request a quote by email. 


AuctionExport Membership Program

All AuctionExport dealers can join Membership Program. We have established 3 Levels - Platinum, Gold and Silver. Your level is determined by the amount of qualifying purchases you have made with AuctionExport. Benefits and program details available on our website - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/HowToBuy/Membership 

Please let us know if you have any questions:



Your vehicle is in safe hands: The ideal plan and recommendations for the care of a used car!

Your used car can serve you for many years! A new blog entry is dedicated to Comprehensive maintenance of a used car - a comprehensive plan and best recommendations for keeping it in optimal operation. Read the article at auctionexportblog.com to learn how to properly care for your vehicle, ensuring it is at its highest level of performance and safety. Don't miss the chance to keep your car in perfect condition!


Save your search results to view them later

ADD TO MY WATCH LIST service allows you to save your search results and check on them later. 

Click ADD TO MY WATCH LIST button on any vehicle profile and car will be added to your WATCH LIST.

In order to check the cars in your WATCH LIST, go to the SERVICES section and choose WATCH LIST. 


Let us know if you have any questions: help@auctionexport.com 📧 | 1-416-900-33-03 📞


Video Help Gallery

Check our video guidances to get a detailed explanation on how AuctionExport Company works and what kind of services you can get.

We made our video helps as detailed as possible to show you all features that you can access from your client profile on a computer from the comfort of your desktop.


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