Second Hand Cars for sale - Bulgaria

Second Hand Cars for sale – Bulgaria

if you are looking for Second Hand Cars for sale then you have reached on right website, is one-stop for buying Second Hand Cars. One has to be very careful while buying Second Hand Cars, if proper attention not paid then Second Hand Cars buying experience can be nightmare. We at knows most of the difficulties faced by the buyers of Second Hand Cars and we have made sure such difficulties should not be faced by anyone while buying cars at

How can help you in buying Second Hand Cars? is a web portal to the world of North American wholesale auto auctions. This innovative technology allows international buyers to search, buy and export any vehicle of their choice. Our logistics department uses the combination of in-land and oceanic transportation to deliver the purchased vehicles from the auction directly to you.

Which cars (makes and models) are available for sale on AuctionExport?

At you will find Second Hand Cars of all popular makes and models including Toyota, BMW, Audi, Acura, Chevrolet, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz etc to check all makes and models kindly visit our Inventory page here

But cars is located in USA and I am in Bulgaria, How Can I buy car from USA and Ship to Bulgaria?

You don't need to worry about shipping process, Once you pay for car and shipping, our shipping department uses the combination of in-land and oceanic transportation to deliver your car from the USA to Bulgaria. You just need to go to Burgas or Varna port in Bulgaria and pay the import duty and drive your car to home.

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