Online Salvage Auto Auction In USA : Find Car Bidding Sites- Auction Export

Used cars for sale: How to choose your deposit amount while bidding for export cars?

‘GoLive Realtime bidding’ is the best option for you if you are looking for a used car. The bidding team allows you quick & easy access to the best bidding deals and lures you with the most cost-effective offers. The winner of the bid easily gets his prized car delivered to Nigeria within a few days.

Before you can take part, you will need to place a bidding amount. The minimum deposit amount which is required is $1000. It will tantamount to 10% of your bidding amount. Thus, if you make a deposit of $1000 (which is also the minimum deposit), then you can make a maximum bidding of 10 times the sum, i.e. $10,000. Therefore, it is very important to go through the details of the car which you are looking to buy. In case, you are willing to spend, say, $50,000 as your maximum bid to export cars, then you must place a security deposit of $5,000. This will give you a better chance of winning in the auction.

Some potential clients often make a wrong calculation in this matter. They place deposit of a very small sum and later regret their action since their maximum bidding gets limited to 10 times the deposit. It is worthwhile to check out the details about the various used cars for sale, figure out how much you are willing to shell out to own that vehicle and then keep a deposit of 10% of that figure. For further information about the bidding process, you can also consult the website and read through the detailed instructions.

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