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Similar Vehicle Price Statistics Results

If the car doesn’t have Buy Now Price, you can check AUCTION SALE RESULTS section that will give you the idea of the possible winning bid.

A similar option is available on each car’s profile, it’s called SIMILAR VEHICLE PRICE STATISTICS RESULTS. You can find it under the BID/BUY NOW button.

Contact us for assistance: help@auctionexport.com 1-416-900-33-03




Dear clients, except for auction cars we also have cars with a fixed price, which can be purchased right away!

If you are interested in such a deal, you can buy a car in 4 easy steps:

1. Register > https://m.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/Register

2. Place an initial deposit on your account. The minimum deposit amount is $600 > https://m.auctionexport.com/en/Profile/FinanceDeposit

3. Click BuyNow: after the funds have been applied, you will be able to click BuyNow hence reserve the car.

4. Pay the full amount: you will receive the invoice with the total amount for you to pay the difference between your invoice and the deposit.

In the event of a purchase, deposit becomes part of the full payment. In case you don't buy a car, your deposit is refundable.

Check out offers right now > https://www.auctionexport.com/en/cars/fixedprice

Let us know if you have any questions: help@auctionexport.com 📧 1-416-900-33-03 


RORO Shipping vs Container Shipping. What's the Difference?

We offer two types of ocean transportation: RoRo and Container.

What is RORO? Mostly known as the roll-on/roll-off shipping method, that means that your car will be driven inside the ship. For a vehicle to be shipped by RORO, it has to be a) in run&drive condition and without extensive damages. RORO method is one of the cheapest ways of shipping.

What is Container shipping? Container shipping means that your car will be loaded inside 20 feet or 40 feet container, and the container will be sealed. We can ship any vehicle, in any condition, by container. This method is one of the safest methods  of ocean transportation.

For more information, follow the link - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/Shipping

You can also watch Live Webinar from our experts - https://www.auctionexport.com/en/Home/Webinar/2

If you have any questions please email shipping@auctionexport.com



Live Vessel tracking

Dear clients,

Once you purchase a Car through AuctionExport, our Team will arrange the shipping to the port of your Destination. 

You can View the Location of your ship through your profile under the vehicle status tab.
You will receive a notification if this option becomes available for your vehicle, after it has been delivered to the exit port.

For more information please contact shipping department: shipping@auctionexport.com


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BidGoLive is powered by AuctionExport!

Registration at BidGoLive is FREE! You can register now and participate in real time bidding 

In order to participate in BIDGoLive realtime bidding, you have to place a deposit on your account. The minimum deposit amount is $1000 or 15% from the bid amount.

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